Health insurance for LTR visa Thailand

Get comprehensive health insurance for your LTR visa in Thailand. Protect yourself from unexpected medical expenses.

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Main Points of Health insurance for LTR visa Thailand


Get Peace of Mind with Direct Billing Health Insurance - No More Reimbursements or Hassles!

Installment Plans

Pay your premiums in installment up to 10 months with a Thai Credit-Cardwith no extra fees.

Online 24/7

Compare plans and purchase your policies online with us anytime and anywhere you want. Our website is there 24/7!

No need to purchase life insurance

Comprehensive health policies - no need to purchase life insurance as a bundle.

Suitable Plans

We have selected the best plans with the best prices for you to compare and choose from.

Fast and Easy

Fast Simple and Easy. Compare and find the best plans for youself within minutes. Super simple!

Coverage of Health Insurance (optional For LTR Visa)

IPD / Inpatient Cover

This coverage is required and should have a minimum sum insured of 100,000 USD or 3,000,000 THB of Coverage. This cover is for hospitalization purposes, meaning that you are admitted and required to stay overnight or a couple of days due to the doctor’s recommendation.

OPD / Outpatient Cover

This coverage is also required when applying for a visa and should have a minimum cover of 1,200 USD or 40,000 baht of coverage annually. This coverage is for doctor’s visits and outpatient procedures that do not require you to stay in the hospital for observation. This includes prescribed medications and lab exams that doctors prescribe.

Dental Cover

This is not required for OA visa - but if you can add this as an option. Coverage for Dental related concerns, this coverage includes normal procedures, cleaning, fillings, etc. This however does not cover anything related to cosmetic procedures. **optional coverage. If you are looking for only dental insurance, please check the coverage and price here: Dental Insurance Thailand

Deductible / Excess

Helps lower the cost of your premium, a specified amount of money that the insured must pay before the insurance company will pay a claim. **optional coverage.

    Steps in Applying for health Insurance for an LTR VISA

    To apply for health insurance, we will need the documents from you below (This applies to every insurance company):

    1.  Apply via our website or contact our Customer Service Representative for an Application form.
    2. Submit a Copy of your Passport with a Verified Signature.
    3. Wait for Offer Letter.
    4. Accept the Offer Letter.
    5. Pay the Invoice Premium
    6.  You’re Covered.
    7. Original Policy and Card will be delivered to your specified address in 7-10 business days by Registered EMS.

    *You can use the scanned copies of the policy to apply for visas with immigration.

    You can send additional documents to us by emailing [email protected]

    LTR visa Thaialnd Qualifications and Requiments

    Who is Qualified for an LTR VIsa?

    • Foreigners can apply for a Long-Term Resident Visa (LTR) in four categories
    • Wealthy Global Citizen, Wealthy Pensioner, Work - From - Thailand Professional, Highly - Skilled Professional
    • Spouses and dependents of LTR visa holders will also qualify for the same visas.

    What are the Requirements for LTR Visa?

    • At least USD 1 million in assets
    • Personal income of a minimum of USD 80,000/ year in the past two years
    • Investment of at least USD 500,000 in Thai government bonds, foreign direct investment, or Thai property
    • Health insurance with at least USD 50,000 coverage or social security benefits insuring treatment in Thailand or at least USD 100,000 deposit
    • Applicants must fulfill all of the above requirements to be eligible for the Wealthy Global Citizens application


    1. Submit your application for qualification endorsement and supporting documents online.
    2. Qualifications Endorsement Applicants will be notified of the results within 20 working days.
    3. In the 60 days following the issuance of the endorsement letter, qualified applicants can apply for LTR Visa issuance at Royal Thai Embassies/the Royal Thai Consulate Generals overseas or Immigration offices in Thailand 10-year visa with multiple entries costs 50,000 Baht per person if you pick it up in Thailand. Depending on the currency exchange rate of each country, the fee for obtaining an LTR Visa at the Royal Thai Embassies/ Consulates Generals overseas or through an E-visa may vary.
    4. Digital Work Permit Issuance Applicants who work in Thailand can get digital work permits at the Department of Employment at the One Stop Service Center for Visa and Work Permits, Chamchuri Square Building, Bangkok, or at provincial labor offices. Digital work permits cost 3,000 Baht a year to maintain.